The complainants claim that Statkraft AS has failed to observe the OECD Guidelines for Responsible Business Conduct when it comes to risk-based human rights due diligence, in particular when it comes to involvement of indigenous people and land rights, environmental impact and religious traditions related to the development of three hydro-power plants in the Pilmaiquén-river in Sotuhern Chile.

The complaint refers to several of the chapters in the OECD Guidelines (see table below).

The NCP has decided to accept parts of the complaint for further consideration.

Received:  14 September 2023 
Status:  In progress 
Sector:  Vannkraft 
Company:  Statkraft AS 
Complainants:  Machi Hillaray-Huichalaf and the Council of lonkos
Lead NCP:  Norge 
Supporting NCP:  Chile 
Relevant chapters in the Guidelines:  Chapter I Concepts and Principles 

Chapter II General Policies 

Chapter III Disclosure 

Chapter IV Human Rights

Chapter VI Environment