The OECD National Contact Points (NCPs) in Norway and Sweden congratulate Jijnjevaerie Saami village and Statkraft/SSVAB on reaching an agreement.
The agreement regulates compensation and the impact of and the preventive measures in the wind power projects, in order to reduce the negative effects on the Jijnjevaerie Saami village and reindeer herding.
In February 2016, the NCPs’ concluded their handling of the complaint from Jijnjevaerie Saami village.
In its final statement, the NCPs recommended that the parties show renewed will to negotiate an agreement on the further development of the wind power projects.
‘We are pleased to see that Statkraft/SSVAB and Jijnjevaeri Saami village have now managed to reach an agreement in this case on their own,’ say Ola Mestad and Kristin Pålsson, head of the Norwegian and the Swedish NCP, respectively.
Read the NCPs’ press release here.
Read more about the specific instance between Statkraft/SSVAB and Jijnjevaerie Saami Village here.