The Compass gives an introduction to the expectations on responsible business conduct in the OECD Guidelines (2011 version). The Compass presents the recommendations in the Guidelines in an Excel spreadsheet, as statements for the company to decide upon, and the results are further graphically presented as a star chart. In this way, it provides the company board and management with a quick overview of where compliance is lacking, and lays the foundation for improved routines.
The tool is based on the OECD Guidelines (2011) and the OECD Due Diligence Guidance for RBC, and is actively used in seminars executed by the Norwegian NCP on due diligence.
The compass has been developed in collaboration with Kristin Holter, Stakeholder as.
Please contact us for further information or if you would like to attend our courses in due diligence.
You can download the tool here.
The compass in Norwegian version is here.
The National Contact Point of Chile has translated the compass into spanish. More information on Chile NCP website.