Representatives from Brazilian government, banks and asset managers described the OECD Guidelines for multinational enterprises as a useful tool to standardise expectations to how companies and investors respect human rights in Sao Paulo on 28 January.

– It was impressive to see the positive attitude towards inclusion of social and environmental factors in risk assesments in order to mitigate adverse social and environmental impact of the financial institutions’ own activities and the activities of their clients, says chair of the Norwegian National Contact Point, Hans Petter Graver.
The Brazilian, the UK and the Norwegian NCP arranged the meeting hosted by the Central Bank of Brazil. Altogether approximately 70 participants from Brazilian government, financial institutions, including the Sao Paulo stock exchange (BOVESPA), private banks and asset managers, as well as the secretariat to the OECD Investment Committee and the Brazilian Global Reporting Initiative Coordinator. Institute for Human Rights and Business (IHRB) has written a report from the workshop (see below).
Mari Bangstad participated on behalf of the Norwegian NCP secretariat.
Report (PDF)